Expedition Logistics

No matter how remote, you can rely on the entire journey being well planned, and well catered for, to ensure safety and mission success.

From project research & development to image capture and post-production, Remy's services can help your business thrive.

Project Management

From development, capture, through to post production and screening, your projects will be professionally and capably brought to fruition.

Wildlife Sequences

Close up long lens to wide open drone aerials, Remy captures holistic sequences to share the whole story with your audience.

From project research & development to image capture and post-production, Remy's services can help your business thrive.

Brand & Promo Content

Whether it's tough outdoor equipment, new film kit or your own brand, Remy will tailor a look & style that captivates your audience.

Video & Photo Editing

Professionally edited projects complete with music & sound design fit for immediate posting to social media, websites, or the big screen!

Commercial & Educational

Corporate interviews to conservation events, your content will always be showcased in the most cinematic and captivating style for all.